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Fable Text Teaching Materials in Increasing Reading Interest of Elementary School Students

Received: 27 February 2024     Accepted: 23 March 2024     Published: 2 April 2024
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This research aims to overcome the low interest in reading in elementary school students. The effort made is to develop teaching materials in the form of reading fable texts which can increase students' interest in reading. Fable texts are animal stories that children really like. Teaching materials presented digitally are very popular with millennial children. It is hoped that the development of this teaching material can provide a solution to several problems with interest in reading in schools, namely students' low interest in reading, understanding the moral message of fable texts which is neglected, and limited reading books for fable texts in schools. This research uses the Research and Development (RnD) method which consists of preliminary studies, product development and trials. The results of expert validation show that the teaching materials developed meet the content validity criteria as teaching materials suitable for use in elementary schools. Based on the analysis of the trial results, it is known that the teaching materials are included in the Very Good (suitable) category in increasing elementary school students' interest in reading. Teachers can use moral value messages from fable texts as affective learning and character education for students. Digital teaching materials for fable texts developed can be used by schools to increase students' interest in reading, especially new students.

Published in International Journal of Elementary Education (Volume 13, Issue 2)
DOI 10.11648/j.ijeedu.20241302.11
Page(s) 23-30
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Copyright © The Author(s), 2024. Published by Science Publishing Group


Digital Teaching Material, Fable Texts, Interest in Reading

1. Introduction
Several factors can cause a decrease interest in reading in students of elementary school. Some common causes include a lack of diversity in reading material. If children are only exposed to types of reading that are monotonous or less interesting to them, they may lose interest in reading. It is important to provide a variety of reading types including fiction, nonfiction, comics, picture books, magazines, and others so that children have choices and find topics that interest them. If children don't see adults around them reading or get support in reading, they may be less motivated to read. It is important for parents, teachers and the school environment to provide positive support and be a good role model in reading. Reading books together, discussing books, or visiting the library regularly can help build children's interest in reading. By presenting interesting and relevant fable texts, we can increase children's interest in reading. Fable texts can be a bridge that connects children with the world of literacy and helps form positive reading habits. In this case, students must master the competencies in the form of identifying information in the fable text, retelling the content of the fable text, studying the structure and language in the fable text, and acting out the content of the fable text . The success of learning a fable text can be measured from (1) explaining the moral message (2) being able to explain the structure of the fable text (3) being able to identify the elements of the fable text (4) being able to retell (5) can arrange animal stories with moral values . Moral values, story settings, characters and dialogue from animal stories are presented in learning. The story of an animal, but whose character is similar to humans, can be used as a way to convey character values to students. Through animal stories, teachers educate, provide entertainment, shape students' personalities and build students' emotional intelligence. Instilling character values through animal stories is an effective step so that these values are more accepted by students, because the message in the fable story implicitly advises the reader so that the reader can subconsciously pick up the moral message in the story .
Interest is a tendency that causes someone to try to find or try activities in a certain field. Interest is also a child's positive attitude towards environmental aspects, interest in reading is a force that encourages children to pay attention, feel interested and enjoy reading activities in their own way . Interest in reading grows from each individual person, to increase interest in reading requires awareness of each individual. Interest in reading is intention, intention in carrying out reading activities, generating intention is the main key to being able to enjoy reading. Interest in reading is also a desire or wish, a desire that drives you to do something without coercion . Indicators of interest in reading also include feelings of pleasure, focus of attention, use of time, and motivation to read or effort to continue reading . Schools must be able to facilitate facilities that increase interest in reading by utilizing the school library. Factors that cause students' low interest in reading are an unsupportive learning environment, high book prices, inadequate school library facilities, and the negative consequences of technological developments. The negative impact of gadget technology can reduce direct interaction and communication between individuals, students are more interested in playing games than reading books, this can cause low interest among students .
The 2013 curriculum teaching materials are prepared in the form of student handbooks, teacher handbooks, and assessment guidelines to complement teaching materials. However, this needs to be created by the teacher so that it fits with the class learning plan. The 2013 curriculum aims to shape students to be able to think critically, creatively and with multiple perspectives . Teaching materials for fable texts can be presented in books and exercises for students. Therefore, to support this material optimally in learning, it is necessary to prepare a variety of fable text teaching materials for student learning in class . One of the competencies that teachers must have in carrying out their duties is developing teaching materials. It is important for teachers to develop teaching materials so that learning becomes more effective, efficient and does not deviate from the competencies they want to achieve. The mandatory competencies possessed by teachers are (1) developing a curriculum related to the field of learning (2) organizing educational learning (3) developing learning materials creatively (4) utilizing technology and communication. A teacher is obliged to prepare innovative and creative teaching materials in accordance with the curriculum, developing student needs and developments in information technology . The development of reading teaching materials that support students' reading skills according to the criteria for preparing teaching materials needs to be accompanied by student books. Students are required to carry out learning activities and minimally explain lessons . Therefore researchers are interested in developing teaching materials for fable texts to make it easier for students to increase their interest students read, in this case the researcher created a product in the form of a fable text teaching material book that can increase elementary school students' reading interest.
2. Methods
This research uses the RnD research and development method as a guide for product development with research steps, namely data collection, product design, product revision, trial, product revision, trial, product revision, maximum product and then research. Development with stages of definition, planning, development, deployment using the ADDIE Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation models. Using saturated sampling techniques, the sample from this study consisted of 88 class II students in 3 Cirebon elementary schools. Data was collected using questionnaires, tests and documentation methods. The data obtained was confirmed using a questionnaire technique, the instrument used consisted of 2 questionnaires. After obtaining the data results from the 2 questionnaires, a t-test was then carried out to determine the significance of the difference between the two means.
Using fable texts in teaching materials for grade 2 elementary school students can be an effective strategy to increase their interest in reading. The language in the fable text is appropriate to the understanding of grade 2 students, using simple sentences and vocabulary appropriate to their reading level, attractive illustrations and supporting fable text that is appropriate to the characteristics of children aged 7-8 years. Cognitive development in children aged 7-8 years is a development with the ability to think step by step, which includes the forms of recognizing, observing, seeing, paying attention, giving, guessing, imagining, estimating, conjecturing, and judging. So from that, researchers developed teaching materials for fable texts to increase reading interest. The indicators used to measure the suitability of teaching materials use the criteria of suitability to the content or material components, language and graphics. Based on the assessment of the validation results of the developed fable text teaching materials, the following results were obtained.
Table 1. Expert Validation Results.













Material expert validation contains 13 questions and there are 3 aspects. The 3 aspects consist of 7 questions regarding material completeness, 3 questions supporting material and 3 questions supporting the presentation of teaching materials. Based on the total validation assessment, the material expert received a score of 52 out of 65. If calculated using a Likert scale, the final result obtained was 80. Based on the eligibility criteria, the number 80 is a Good (decent) score in presenting teaching materials. Linguist validation contains 9 questions and 3 aspects. The 3 aspects consist of the language appropriateness aspect, there are 4 questions, the straightforward aspect, there are 3 questions, and the communicative aspect, 2 questions. Based on the total validation assessment, material experts got a score of 37 out of 45. If calculated using a Likert scale, the final result obtained was 82.2. Based on the eligibility criteria, the number 82.2 is a Very Good (decent) score in presenting teaching materials. Graphic expert validation contains 15 questions and 3 aspects. These 3 aspects consist of the suitability aspect of the size of the teaching materials, 2 questions, the cover design aspect of the teaching materials, 4 questions, and the content design aspect of the teaching materials, 8 questions. Based on the total validation assessment, the graphics expert got a score of 56 out of 75. If calculated using a Likert scale, the final result obtained was 74.6. Based on the eligibility criteria, the number 74.6 is a Good (decent) value in presenting language in teaching materials.
The questionnaire measuring students' reading interest given to the homeroom teacher before implementing the fable text teaching material consists of 10 questions, the response options for this item are (1) Very Poor, (2) Poor, (3) Fair, (4) Good, and (5) Very Good given to suitable options. The questionnaire measuring the increase in students' interest in reading was given to the homeroom teacher after the application of fable text teaching materials consisting of 10 question items, answer choices (1) Very Poor, (2) Poor, (3) Fair, (4) Good, and (5) Very Good answers are given to measure the increase in students' reading interest. After the data was collected through a questionnaire, the data obtained was analyzed by calculating percentages. The description of the results of data analysis is carried out by referring to the percentage of criteria as presented in table 2 below.
Table 2. Assessment Criteria.


Percentage score (%)

Eligibility Category


81 – 100

Very Good


61 – 80



41 – 60



21 – 40

Not Enough


0 – 20

Very Less

3. Results and Discussion
The results of the research in the form of data measuring interest in reading before implementing fable text teaching materials are presented in table 3 below.
Table 3. Measuring Reading Interest Before Implementing Fable Text Teaching Materials at SDN Kartini 1, SDN Weru 1, and MI Hidayatus Shibyan.



Values and Information SDN Kartini 1

Values and Information SDN Weru 1

Values and Information MI Hidayatus Shibyan

The feeling of pleasure from reading a book

1. Your students read regularly.

2 (Not enough)

1. (Very less)

1. (Very less)

The need for reading books

2. our students have the awareness to read.

1. (Very less)

1. (Very less)

1. (Very less)

3. Your students have an awareness of the importance of books.

1. (Very less)

2. (Not enough)

1. (Very less)

Interest in books

4. Your students have an interest in reading.

1. (Very less)

2. (Not enough)

2. (Not enough)

5. Your students have an interest in reading books.

2. (Not enough)

2. (Not enough)

1. (Very less)

Desire to read books

6. Your students use their time to read books.

1. (Very less)

2. (Not enough)

1. (Very less)

7. Your students want to read in the time provided.

1. (Very less)

2. (Not enough)

2. (Not enough)

Desire to find book reading material

8. Your students have a desire to read books.

1. (Very less)

2. (Not enough)

1. (Very less)

9. Your students have the desire to find sources for reading books.

1. (Very less)

1. (Very less)

2. (Not enough)

10. Your students often read textbooks.

2. (Not enough)

2. (Not enough

1. (Very less)





The research data shows that interest in reading before implementing fable text teaching materials at SDN Kartini 1 was scored 13 out of 50 if calculated using a Likert scale then the result obtained was 26 based on the assessment criteria. The number 26 is a score of Less interest in reading, SDN Weru 1 got a score of 17 out of 50 if calculated using a Likert scale then the result obtained is 34 based on the assessment criteria. The number 34 is a score of Lack of interest in reading, and MI Hidayatus Shibyan gets a score of 13 out of 50. If calculated using a Likert scale then the final result obtained is 26. Based on the eligibility criteria, number 26 is a score of Less interest in reading.
4. Data Measuring Increased Interest in Reading After Implementing Fable Text Teaching Materials
The results of the research in the form of data measuring interest in reading before implementing fable text teaching materials are presented in table 4 below.
Table 4. Measuring the increase in interest in reading after implementing fable text teaching materials at SDN Kartini 1, SDN Weru 1, and MI Hidayatus Shibyan.



Values and Information SDN Kartini 1

Values and Information SDN Weru 1

Values and Information MI Hidayatus Shibyan

The feeling of pleasure from reading a book

1. Your students' interest in reading has increased.

4. (Good)

3. (Enough)

5. (Very good)

2. After studying the fable text teaching material, did your students become enthusiastic about reading

5. (Very good)

3. (Enough)

5. (Very good)

The need for reading books

3. The content of the fable text teaching materials developed can increase students' reading interest.

5. (Very good)

4. (Good)

4. (Good)

4. The fable text in the teaching materials makes it easier for students to read.

5. (Very good)

4. (Good)

3. (Enough)

5. The assignments given can help students increase their interest in reading.

4. (Good)

4. (Good)

4. (Good)

Interest in books

6. Your students are interested in fable text teaching books.

5. (Very good)

5. (Very good)

4. (Good)

7. Stories about animals can increase students' reading interest.

5. (Very good)

5 (Very good)

3. (Enough)

Desire to read books

8. Students use the time to read the reading books that have been provided.

5. (Very good)

4 (Good)

4. (Good)

9. Your students take advantage of the time to read books.

5. (Very good)

3. (Enough)

3 (Enough)

Desire to find book reading material

10. Your students have their own desire to read the fable text teaching material.

4. (Good)

5. (Very good)

5. (Very good)





The research data shows that interest in reading increased after implementing fable text teaching materials at SDN Kartini 1, namely getting a score of 47 out of 50 if calculated using a Likert scale, the result obtained was 94 based on the assessment criteria. The number 94 is a Very Good (decent) score in increasing interest. reading, SDN Weru 1 gets a score of 41 out of 50 if calculated using a Likert scale, the result obtained is 82 based on the assessment criteria. The number 82 is a Very Good (decent) score in increasing reading interest, and MI Hidayatus Shibyan gets a score of 40 out of 50. If calculated using a Likert scale, the final result obtained is 8. Based on the eligibility criteria, the number 8 is a good (decent) value in increasing interest in reading.
Data Significance of the Difference in Two Means Before and After Implementing Fable Text Teaching Materials in Increasing Interest in Reading
The research results in the form of T-test data are presented in the following table.
Table 5. T-test data results for SDN Kartini 1.



Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients




Std. Error








before implementing teaching materials






a. Dependent Variable: after the application of teaching materials

Based on the t-test data table, the sig value is .000. Because the sig value is 0.000 < 0.05, it can be concluded that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected, meaning that there is a significant influence between the fable text teaching materials on increasing reading interest in class II students at Kartini 1 Elementary School.
Table 6. T-test data Results at SDN Weru 1.



Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients




Std. Error








before implementing teaching materials






a. Dependent Variable: after the application of teaching materials

Based on the t-test table, it is known that the sig value is .002. Because the sig value is .002 < 0.05, it can be concluded that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected, meaning that there is a significant influence between fable text teaching materials on increasing reading interest in class II students at Weru 1 State Elementary School.
Table 7. MI Hidayatus Shibyan T-Test Data Results.



Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients




Std. Error








before implementing teaching materials






a. Dependent Variable: after the application of teaching materials

Based on the t-test table, it is known that the sig value is .002. Because the sig value is .002 < 0.05, it can be concluded that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected, meaning that there is a significant influence between fable text teaching materials on increasing reading interest in class II students at MI Hidayatus Shibyan.
5. Discussion
The results of this research show that respondents admitted that reading in learning is very rarely done due to limited infrastructure and unsupportive libraries. Respondents perceived that students' lack of interest in reading books. Overall the level of interest in reading in several schools is still low, therefore this fable text teaching material is able to encourage students to increase their interest in reading. The effectiveness and suitability of the products used can be seen and proven through validation results from several experts and through an assessment process. The feasibility of this product for developing teaching materials for fable texts has been tested by several experts, namely material experts, linguists and graphics experts. Meanwhile, to measure the increase in students' reading interest through a questionnaire process and using the T-test to determine the significance of the mean differences.
The effectiveness of this development product can be seen from the level of students' reading interest in fable text teaching materials. Students who have used this fable text teaching material are very interested and like the development product. The existence of this fable text teaching material has a positive impact on students to better understand and deepen the material and their own understanding in learning the fable text. The improvements that occur in the product development process have a high increase. However, not all students are able to get good grades from their results. However, students are seen and can prove that the product of developing teaching materials for this fable text is very suitable for use in supporting learning, and in increasing students' interest in reading. Based on the PISA measurement, our students have an increase in reading scores, but compared to the countries measured, ability is always at the bottom. This means that learning related to reading (in Indonesian Language Subjects) needs to be carried out improvement, because our students are always at the bottom of the countries measured. Reading measurement is oriented towards: (1) reading comprehension, (2) using reading, and (3) reflecting in written form .
Reading habits are carried out as a basis for developing students' literacy skills. This habit is a government program to develop literacy. Developing reading literacy through the School Literacy Movement (GLS) requires students to read 15 minutes before class starts . Teachers must also be able to attract students to increase their interest in reading by familiarizing themselves with literacy before core learning by implementing reading for 5 minutes. Students often get bored when faced with long reading texts that only consist of writing. Long texts that are read do not necessarily mean that the content of the reading is understood . Aspects of teachers, educational institutions, families have a very important role in increasing interest in reading, these activities need to be carried out simultaneously and not only at school but fostering interest in reading can also be done at home or in an environment that can provide positive things for children .
The development of teaching materials for fable texts to increase reading interest was carried out using the Canva Pro application (paid). The first step in this research is identifying the problems faced by teachers and students. Based on the results of filling out the questionnaire with teachers, it was found that problems included: (1) teachers had never made teaching materials that took into account students' skills, (2) students had little interest in reading books, (3) students had difficulty understanding material related to story problems. It is hoped that the development of teaching materials for fable texts can revive students' interest in reading and motivation to learn. After the information gathering stage, the next step is designing teaching materials for the fable text. In this step, product development is carried out through several stages, including (1) Designing the cover of the fable text teaching material. The cover that has been created can be seen in Figure 1 below.
Figure 1. Front Cover of Fable Text Teaching Materials.
Stage (2) Create author's biodata, foreword containing thanks, and table of contents of teaching materials for the fable text (3) Create core competencies, basic competencies, and learning objectives. (4) Create an instillation of the material to be studied where this section contains the main material discussed, explained in detail and in detail (5) There are several fable text stories presented in this teaching material so that students' interest in reading increases. (6) Make practice questions for each fable text which contains a discussion of the fable text. (7) Create 11 multiple choice questions consisting of 10 questions regarding fable text material, and 1 essay question on creating a fable text based on the theme chosen by the student. (8) Designing the back cover (cover). The cover that has been created can be seen in Figure 2 below.
Figure 2. Back Cover of Fable Text Teaching Materials.
At the validation stage, the design of the fable text teaching materials was carried out by submitting a questionnaire validation sheet to three experts who assessed the material, language and at the same time the graphics of the fable text teaching materials created to assess their suitability. This is intended to find out whether the research product being developed is ready to be tested in the field. In validation research, experts are expected to provide input or suggestions to improve teaching materials for fable texts to increase reading interest. Suggestions from these experts will be used as material to revise the teaching materials for this fable text.
The trial phase was carried out in three class II elementary schools, a total of 88 students. The trial was carried out to determine the results of the development of fable text teaching materials in increasing students' reading interest. From the results of observations, it shows that students look enthusiastic about reading the fable text teaching materials that have been developed. When in the fable book section, students seemed curious and wanted to know about the contents of the fable text teaching materials. After the students were given treatment using fable text teaching materials. Student responses or student assessment results regarding reading interest in fable text teaching materials with an average score of 82 means that the fable text teaching materials developed are included in the very good category. Regarding the quality of development regarding the achievement of research objectives, both in terms of achieving expert validation, the results of product use trials, and students' responses to fable text teaching materials in increasing reading interest, the results show that the teaching material products have received valid recommendations from experts and have met the requirements to be tested. in the field even though revisions have previously been made according to suggestions given by experts. Interest in teaching materials can increase motivation by attracting students' attention and creating involvement in the learning process. The design of this fable text teaching material is adapted to the reader, namely grade II elementary school students, where brighter colors and pictures of animals are chosen that can support students' reading interest .
6. Conclusion
The results of the research show that the response level of students' reading in fable text teaching materials in elementary schools is in the very good category with a percentage of 82. Respondents believe that the application of fable text teaching materials can increase students' interest in reading and increase learning motivation, as well as providing very appropriate provisions with student needs.
7. Suggestion
Based on the results of this research, the suggestion given to future researchers is that it needs to be developed to further support students' understanding in increasing their reading interest and students' understanding of the fable text material. Researchers should be able to deepen the needs factors that students need to increase their interest in reading.
SDN: Sekolah Dasar Negeri (State Elementary School)
MI: Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (Schools at the basic education level equivalent to basic education within the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia)
PISA: Programme for International Student Assessment
GLS: Gerakan Literasi Sekolah (School Literacy Movement)
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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  • APA Style

    Chaerunnisa, S. H., Kusmana, S., Wilsa, J. (2024). Fable Text Teaching Materials in Increasing Reading Interest of Elementary School Students. International Journal of Elementary Education, 13(2), 23-30.

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    ACS Style

    Chaerunnisa, S. H.; Kusmana, S.; Wilsa, J. Fable Text Teaching Materials in Increasing Reading Interest of Elementary School Students. Int. J. Elem. Educ. 2024, 13(2), 23-30. doi: 10.11648/j.ijeedu.20241302.11

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    AMA Style

    Chaerunnisa SH, Kusmana S, Wilsa J. Fable Text Teaching Materials in Increasing Reading Interest of Elementary School Students. Int J Elem Educ. 2024;13(2):23-30. doi: 10.11648/j.ijeedu.20241302.11

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  • @article{10.11648/j.ijeedu.20241302.11,
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      title = {Fable Text Teaching Materials in Increasing Reading Interest of Elementary School Students
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    AU  - Jaja Wilsa
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    AB  - This research aims to overcome the low interest in reading in elementary school students. The effort made is to develop teaching materials in the form of reading fable texts which can increase students' interest in reading. Fable texts are animal stories that children really like. Teaching materials presented digitally are very popular with millennial children. It is hoped that the development of this teaching material can provide a solution to several problems with interest in reading in schools, namely students' low interest in reading, understanding the moral message of fable texts which is neglected, and limited reading books for fable texts in schools. This research uses the Research and Development (RnD) method which consists of preliminary studies, product development and trials. The results of expert validation show that the teaching materials developed meet the content validity criteria as teaching materials suitable for use in elementary schools. Based on the analysis of the trial results, it is known that the teaching materials are included in the Very Good (suitable) category in increasing elementary school students' interest in reading. Teachers can use moral value messages from fable texts as affective learning and character education for students. Digital teaching materials for fable texts developed can be used by schools to increase students' interest in reading, especially new students. 
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Author Information
  • Sekolah Dasar Negeri 1 Kartini, Cirebon, Indonesia

  • Indonesian Education, University of Swadaya Gunung Jati, Cirebon, Indonesia

  • Indonesian Education, University of Swadaya Gunung Jati, Cirebon, Indonesia